Two Rivers AI Consulting

Mt. Pleasant, Michigan

Meet Karin Jenson and her small business, here to help you use AI in yours.

I am the Karin with AI in her name! Since 2010, I’ve had success using AI in my own work and on behalf of clients and customers. I’ve been in the thick of it as an AI user, buyer, skeptic, advocate, and learner, having worked with many AI visionaries as the technology has grown up and evolved. 

Today, the power of AI is within reach of all of us — including small and local businesses right here in mid- and northern Michigan. Call on me to help you move past whatever is stopping you from harnessing it in your business.

Our Services

We’ve seen what it takes to use AI in business and we tailor our offerings to get to value fast, through workshops to get the ideas flowing, facilitated discussions with your leadership or team, change management services and more.

  • Let’s start with a free 30-minute assessment. What are the business problems that AI might help solve? What ideas do you have to use AI in your business? Let’s cross the bridge together. From there, we make a plan customized to meet your goals.

  • It is natural that people will have differing opinions about the value of AI, but the truth is that it’s not going away. We help get your people — investors, board members, owners, HR, IT, employees— on the same page using real-world examples and experience.

  • Does the software you’ve been using since your early days suddenly have new AI features? How about your farming or industrial equipment or machinery? Two Rivers AI Consulting can help you assess the offering, benchmark it against your current process, and build ways to ensure that you safely use the new features.

About Karin

A JD/MBA, Karin has had a storied career as a journalist, lawyer, and business executive, working at places as big as General Motors and as small and scrappy as the startup that brought automated machine learning to enterprise business. The through-line in Karin’s career is the role of AI. You can see Karin’s professional story in detail here on LinkedIn.

While working remotely as a 3-time Chief of Staff in two AI companies, Karin moved to Mt. Pleasant in 2022. Karin’s experience has exposed her to the efforts to implement AI in literally hundreds of businesses across the globe. It is Karin’s goal now to share her expertise with local businesses and agencies who may not otherwise take the leap.

She serves on the board of directors for the Chippewa Watershed Conversancy and is a proud hockey mom of a Mid-Michigan Raptor.

“As I go about my life in Mt. Pleasant, I hear people wondering about what AI can do for them, and I see the opportunities to use it,” Karin said. “I am uniquely positioned and extremely excited to be of service to my community by helping local businesses use AI through Two Rivers AI Consulting.“

Contact Two Rivers AI Consulting